Digital Insights

13 Techniques for Building A Responsive Email List

While Google and Facebook both play an important role in building your business, relying solely on traffic from these sources can put your company at risk. When the traffic that your business depends on is subject to the whims of a powerful third party that can shut your company down overnight...Read More >>

How Google’s Algorithm Affects PPC Advertising

Practically every website owner or webmaster has at least a basic understanding of Google’s organic ranking algorithm. This is the mysterious mathematical formula that assigns rankings in the organic search results based on how well a website scores for each of the more than 200 rankings factors...Read More >>

Effective Strategies for Implementing One-to-One Marketing

Conventional market segmentation calls for the classification of customers into separate groups based on common needs and demographics. The theory goes that promotional messages and the media channels that deliver them can then be tailored to best reach each distinct group. While there is nothing...Read More >>

5 Reasons to Add Branded Keywords to Your PPC Campaigns

If your company is running pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns, you probably already know the basics. Research buyer-intent keywords, offer your per-click rate bid, write a compelling text ad, create a landing page with a powerful call-to-action, and you’re almost good to go. But before...Read More >>

Will a One-Size-Fits-All SEO Template Work for Every Business?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a far different proposition than it was just a few short years ago. Between one Google update after another and increased competition in virtually every business niche, getting your website ranked well for organic search these days is a lot of hard work. The...Read More >>

3 Top Reasons Include Retargeting with Your Marketing Campaigns

Like traditional marketing, nothing meaningful happens in the digital marketing world without a sale. All of the website visitors and Facebook followers in the world won’t add a penny to your bottom line until somebody boldly steps forward and purchases your product. Just driving traffic to...Read More >>

Three Reasons Why You Need to Avoid Custom CMS Platforms

As you surely know by now, a website is an absolute necessity if your business is going to be a competitive player in today’s digitally-oriented marketplace. This means that choosing the right content management system (CMS) from the start is critically important to both the functionality of your...Read More >>

7 Hidden Features that Enhance Your Facebook and Twitter Marketing

It’s hard to ignore the importance of social media marketing in today’s marketplace. It’s the number one place where your customers and prospects choose to spend their time. Traditional advertising channels have lost much of their power to influence consumers, who have turned to social media...Read More >>

4 Reasons to Include Negative Keywords in PPC Campaigns

The selection of negative keywords is every bit as important to the success of your pay-per-click (PPC) campaign as your choice of targeted keywords. Negative keywords act like a gatekeeper for your PPC account – helping protect you from unproductive and wasteful search queries that can drain...Read More >>

3 Ways to Boost Your Company’s Branding Through Social Media

Leveraging the power of social media is an effective and low-cost way to build your company’s brand. Social engagement allows you to nurture new and existing relationships that in turn lead to increased brand awareness, preference, loyalty, and consumer advocacy. While social media offers a...Read More >>