Digital Insights

13 Techniques for Building A Responsive Email List


Published: February 9, 2015

While Google and Facebook both play an important role in building your business, relying solely on traffic from these sources can put your company at risk. When the traffic that your business depends on is subject to the whims of a powerful third party that can shut your company down overnight without notice or appeal, you need to seriously consider diversifying your lead generation sources. One of the best ways to escape the tyranny of the dreaded Google search algorithm and the frustration of vanishing Facebook followers is with your own email list of satisfied customers and interested prospects.

A targeted email list allows you to effectively and affordably engage with your audience whenever and however you choose. Your marketing options include

  • Sending a series of informational reports with ideas and tips that your prospects can use.
  • Creating an e-newsletter that provides readers with the latest news and information about your company and products.
  • Conducting brief surveys to help keep your marketing efforts focused and on-track with what your audience needs.
  • Announcements of special high-value offers and promotions.

The key takeaway here is that your email content should primarily consist of useful and informative material. Nobody likes being sold to, and if your emails are little more than a non-stop pitch-fest of sales messages, you’re going to lose subscribers just as fast as you add them to your list. If you concentrate on providing good quality, high-value email content that helps create a bond with your audience, you’ll eventually ring up sales without alienating anybody.

Email List Building for Companies that Market to Consumers
1. Use the blank space on the back of your business cards to promote a discount on a future purchase when people sign up to receive your e-newsletter.
2. Capitalize on your snail mail customer list. If you have a list of customers without an email address, send them a postcard with a special offer that is redeemable only by signing up for your email list.
3. Leverage your website traffic. Be sure to add an e-newsletter opt-in box on every page of your website. Placing it “above the fold” near the top of the page will generate more signups.
4. Add a “forward to a friend” link to your emails to make it easy for your subscribers to share your email content.
5. If you do telemarketing, be sure to ask each prospect if they would like to be added to your e-newsletter list.
6. Place a fishbowl next to your cash register. Offer a special prize to everyone who signs up for your e-newsletter. Don’t forget to announce the winners in your next newsletter.
7. Include an e-newsletter signup form on your Facebook Business Page.
8. Post useful or insightful comments on blogs relevant to your industry or niche. Include a link to your web page where other blog readers can opt-in to your e-newsletter.

Email List Building for Companies that Market to Businesses
9. If your company is a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, you should be able to email the membership list with a high-value offer that includes a link to signup for your e-newsletter.
10. Leverage your personal email signature line with an email signup link.
11. Add an email list signup link to your company’s invoices and statements.
12. Collect business cards from attendees at networking events. Immediately follow up with a personalized email that acknowledges how much you enjoyed meeting with them, and include a link for signing up for your e-newsletter.
13. If you have a particularly informative and valuable piece of content such as a whitepaper, limit access to e-mail list subscribers only.


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