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The Real Value of Split Testing Your Facebook Ads

More than 80 years ago, legendary advertising copywriter John Caples said that if a business never stops testing its ads, its ads will never stop improving. What was true for the pioneers of print advertising is still true for today’s digital marketers. Testing different approaches by placing...Read More >>

How Outdated SEO Techniques Can Get Your Website Penalized

The SEO industry has reached the point where the number of discredited and outdated “black hat” techniques for improving organic search engine rankings far outweighs the acceptable “white hat” tactics that can be implemented without fear of a Google penalty. Webmasters who continue to...Read More >>

Why More Inbound Links Won’t Necessarily Improve Your Search Ranking

Inbound links to your website are still one of the most effective ways of improving your search engine rankings, and are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Despite the many problems associated with link building, there is simply no better method of measuring the relevance and authority...Read More >>

Top 10 Tweets from Pubcon Las Vegas

Thank you to everyone from Pubcon that was involved in putting together such a great event. Pubcon 2014 wrapped up last Friday and we had a blast while attending and following the conference via Twitter. It was interesting to see what attendees and speakers had to say about the conference. So we...Read More >>

The Top Website Tracking Alternatives to Google Analytics

Behind every successful website is an analytic tracking platform that measures the day to day performance metrics that help keep the site aligned with the webmaster’s goals. A good analytics platform uncovers opportunities as well as pinpoints any problems that may hinder the digital marketer’s...Read More >>

Increase Your Website Traffic with Social Media

Attracting targeted traffic to your website doesn’t begin or end with Google. While there’s nothing wrong with either organic or pay-per-click traffic, you need to diversify your sources so that a disruption and loss of traffic from any one channel will not devastate your company. In other...Read More >>

Improving Your Facebook News Feed Performance

Social media watchers have reported it and Facebook is finally talking about it: the average reach of organic posts has declined to about 6 percent; reach is defined as the number of unique Facebook users who see your updates. This means that only 6 out of every 100 fans will ever see your organic...Read More >>

How Google’s Pigeon Update is Affecting Local Search Referrals and Leads

Google’s Pigeon update has rolled out across the United States, creating a boom in search engine referrals and leads for some businesses and a devastating bust for others. Designed to provide a more pleasant experience for search engine users, the update represents a major effort on the part of...Read More >>

Twitter Tests Buy “Now Button” e-Commerce Platform

Twitter is offering social media users the opportunity to shop while they Tweet through its “Buy Now Button” shopping platform, currently being tested with a select group of brands and artists including Burberry, (RED), Keith Urban, and The Home Depot. If all goes well, Twitter is expected to...Read More >>

How Your Website’s Contact Page Bounce Rate Affects Your Business

A contact page is one of the most important and least utilized components of the average website. The contact page is where visitors to your website can find the information they need to reach out to you in whatever manner they feel most comfortable with – whether that’s by sending an email,...Read More >>