Digital Insights

How Your Website’s Contact Page Bounce Rate Affects Your Business

Published: September 18, 2014

A contact page is one of the most important and least utilized components of the average website. The contact page is where visitors to your website can find the information they need to reach out to you in whatever manner they feel most comfortable with – whether that’s by sending an email, picking up the telephone, licking a postage stamp, or stopping by your store or office for a face-to-face conversation.

Many website contact pages offer little more than an email address, telephone number, physical address if appropriate, and perhaps a message or contact form; the downside of this minimalist approach lies in the missed opportunity to create an additional brand-reinforcing message that reinforces the notion of why visitors should want to contact you in the first place.

What the Bounce Rate Really Means for Contact Page Visitors
A bounce rate is simply the percentage of website visitors who arrive via a given webpage and “bounce off” your site without looking at any other pages. A high bounce rate for your website pages is not good news: it usually means that visitors have found so little value on whatever page they landed on that they have no incentive to explore your website any further.

The bounce rate for a contact page is usually much higher than for webpages in general due to the nature of the contact page itself. Visitors who arrive via a contact page are generally interested in finding basic contact information for your company; a high bounce rate for your contact page simply means that visitors found what they looking for. As long as your contact page is performing well in terms of getting visitors to engage with you, contact page bounce rates are usually not something to be overly concerned with.

contact form bounce rateHow do Bounce Rates Differ by Type of Webpage?

  • The average bounce rate for a website is 40 percent.
  • The bounce rate for your homepage should be less than 25 per cent.
  • Retail sites have a 20 to 40 percent bounce rate.
  • Landing pages with a single call to action have a 70 to 90 percent bounce rate.
  • Lead generation sites have a 30 to 50 percent bounce rate.
  • Content websites have a 40 to 60 percent bounce rate.

How to Improve Your Contact Page Conversions
Ideally, your website’s contact page will contain an elevator speech-sized summary of what your company is all about, expressed in terms of customer benefits. By selling the sizzle of why visitors should contact your company for additional information, you’ll see an increase in the conversion of website visitors to interested prospects.

Remember that simpler is usually better. A study of 40,000 website visitors has concluded that reducing the number of required contact form fields from 4 fields to 3 resulted in a 50 percent increase in conversions. If you reduce the number of contact form fields to the bare minimum, you’ll increase your conversions.

Be sure to let visitors know that their information will not be sold or shared.

Designing your contact form for mobile users first will help you will help you eliminate non-essential fields and streamline your overall contact form design.


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