Archive SEO Category

What Works Best to Attract New Customers: Geofencing or Remarketing?

Geofencing and remarketing have both been used to generate traffic and attract new visitors. Both are effective, but one emerges as a leader in certain situations. Here is what you need to know about using these modalities to attract new customers. What is Remarketing? Remarketing gives...Read More >>

Should Marketers Focus on Yahoo?

Yahoo is a resource for marketers that can help companies gain more visibility on their websites. When the search functionality appears on partner sites such as Amazon, CNBC, or Facebook, it is easier to show more people what your company is about. Here's what you may want to know about using Yahoo...Read More >>

4 Ways to Use Guest Blogging to Build Links

When trying to increase your presence in the SERPs, it is not enough to buy a lot of low-quality links and set up a website. While this worked in the past, it is now more important to build relationships across the Internet. One way to do so is to make guest post blogs on other sites. With this,...Read More >>

Four Tips to Improve Your Ranking in the SERPs Organically

A search engine result page (SERP) is the list of results a search engine returns to a user in response to a query, usually driven by a keyword. Appearing as close to the top of these results as possible is the main goal of most search engine optimization (SEO) tactics. However, it is important to...Read More >>

Why Is Local SEO Important?

Every business owner knows that SEO is important. But understanding why local SEO is so important is sometimes difficult to grasp. When most people think about local marketing, they think about the newspaper, flyers, and so on. However, times have changed and these methods of advertising are no...Read More >>

Can Content Marketing Create New Leads?

In the past year, there have been many blog posts written about content marketing. It is very quickly gone from something that was suggested of website owners to something that is essential for success. But many people are still confused as to why content marketing is so important, particularly...Read More >>

6 Reasons why Link Building Just got More Expensive

If you've been trying to incorporate link building into your search engine optimization strategy, recently chances are you've noticed that it's been getting a little bit more expensive. If you haven't noticed, you might want to pay attention to some of the ways in which link building is becoming...Read More >>

Should a Successful SEO Campaign be Measured on KPI’s?

Search engine optimization is a marketing tactic that every website owner must do if they wish to rank high in the SERPs. It is essential for the life of your website and for your business. But how do you measure success from your search engine optimization campaign? Many marketers use key...Read More >>

How to get more Placements in Google’s Universal Search

Being listed on third-party websites is one of the most important things you can do SEO. Universal search is one of Google's newest forms of search. Up until the release of universal search, vertical search was all the rage on Google. The only problem, is that most people didn't even know that...Read More >>

2013 SEO Recap: Changes and Updates

In 2013, businesses and Internet marketers became aware that the landscape of search marketing was changing. Not only is SEO changing rapidly, but it's becoming more "human" in a way, as well. Since 2013 was all about making search engine optimization techniques that place the power in the hands of...Read More >>