Digital Insights

How Will Google’s Hummingbird Impact Content Marketing


Published: October 8, 2013

Marketers and business owners and leaders alike must always be on the watch for transformations in the world of online marketing, adapting and changing with what lies ahead in the future of advertising and messages. But while marketers may be fully aware that constant changes are taking place, that doesn’t always make them any easier to adapt to. Knowing what new transformations are occurring can make it much easier for marketers to understand where they must make adjustments and how they can improve their messages, making them better, more efficient and easier for consumers to seek and find. One of the most recent updates in the search engine world was announced by Google and includes yet another algorithm for marketers to adjust to in what has become known as Hummingbird.

What is Google Hummingbird?

Comprehending what Hummingbird entails can make the adoption of subsequent changes a little easier for marketers and business leaders to swallow. Affecting a large majority of searches, the algorithm update announced by Google is sure to affect the marketing world in a big way, especially that of mobile marketing. Despite the mystery surrounding the Google Hummingbird update, the full implications have not yet been fully realized by marketers. Instead, mere hints regarding the role of mobile marketing and efforts in relation to hummingbird have been unveiled by Google officials. As mobile marketing has become increasingly important to Internet marketing and search engine optimization gurus, it comes as no surprise that search engines are similarly finding great importance in mobile content and marketing.

The Power of Voice and Hands Free

In addition to the increasing number of people using mobile to research, review and understand the companies, services and products they are considering, a growing number of people are relying on hands free and voice activate devices, changing the way we think of search and content completely. While words and phrases are still important to attract attention and helping consumers solve problems, the use of voice as a method of searching for those solutions is still relatively new, prompting marketers to take advantage while understanding some of the flaws associated with voice activated search.

The use of voice as a method of searching for answers, directions and more information makes more natural content and keywords a vital component of keeping with the changing needs of consumers. Additionally, the questions and resolutions sought by consumers may become more difficult to understand and target because of the variety of languages, dictation, accents and terms they may have for their problems, the services they seek and the products they desire. As a result, it is even more important that marketers truly understand who their target demographic is at their very core. Simple understanding their desires in a product or service is no longer sufficient. Instead, marketers must understand how their target audience would describe those problems and how they would discuss them on a more natural level.

Although meeting the needs of potential clients and understanding who they are has always been important, the rising use of mobile and voice activated devices makes it imperative for marketers and businesses to really become students of their target market. As a result, content meeting their needs and using terms they find relevant will continue to become a building block in one’s digital marketing plans and future endeavors.


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