Digital Insights

How Your Business can Benefit from Internet Marketing


Published: April 16, 2015

Internet marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective methods of reaching today’s consumer. Sometimes referred to as digital or online marketing, Internet marketing is replacing traditional advertising media such as local newspapers, radio, and television simply because it provides a better way to reach an increasingly technology-driven audience.

Newspaper readership is on the decline, radio and television usage is down, and many communities don’t even bother distributing printed versions of the telephone book anymore. Consumers in growing numbers are adopting new methods of staying informed, entertained, and connected – and marketers need to position their marketing messages wherever customers are looking.

Internet marketing has leveled the playing field for smaller local businesses, offering marketers an opportunity to compete effectively against much larger and better-funded competitors. For the most part, Internet marketing requires a significantly smaller financial investment in order to make a meaningful impact, and the results are generally more easily measured than is the case with traditional advertising media.

No less an authority than the U.S. Small Business Administration has concluded that small businesses that have an online presence in the form of a website generate on average 39 percent more sales revenue than their competitors who are not online.

Why Internet Marketing Works so Well
Internet marketing is generally less expensive and more cost-effective than traditional advertising media. Even a modest start consisting of a basic website and competent SEO guidance to get your site ranked in the search results is less costly than running a local television or newspaper advertising campaign.

With the right buyer keywords, you can get your search listing in front of prospects that are actively searching for the very products and services that you provide – as opposed to “shotgunning” your message out to a mass television or newspaper audience in the hope that someone who is interested in buying from you sees your ad.

Internet marketing campaigns can be launched much more quickly than traditional advertising media campaigns, allowing you to get your message in front of targeted and motivated prospects in a matter of hours. This “speed to market” enables you to respond quickly and effectively to rapidly changing market and competitive conditions.

Internet marketing represents a 24/7 salesperson and ambassador for your company that stands ready to present your marketing message to interested prospects whenever and however they choose to engage with your company. When a prospect is ready to buy, your business is ready to serve.

Internet marketing extends the reach of your marketing message to prospective customers no matter where they happen to be located. A prospect in the process of moving across the country to your hometown can shop your online offering in advance of their move, giving you a tremendous edge on your competitors who are waiting patiently for just the right time to run another “Welcome Newcomers” ad in the local paper.

Internet-based marketing solutions enable your business to implement effective and affordable customer service and customer retention programs. Many basic customer service issues can be handled on autopilot, freeing up your staff for more pressing problems. Building up an email list of current and past customers allows you to reach out with timely offers and promotions that boost customer loyalty and increase recurring purchases.

Internet marketing results are easily tracked and measured, allowing you to tweak ongoing campaigns to improve their effectiveness and get the most mileage out of your ad spend.


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