Digital Insights

How to Use Employee Social Media Profiles as Brand Advocates


Published: October 3, 2013

With the explosion of social media and the role it plays in employee productivity, or lack thereof, understanding how employees can actually impact a company’s social media can be difficult to understand without a clear comprehension of how they can help and influence. While social media can clearly deter workers from some of the important activities expected of them, it can also be a great way for them to both interact with their company, share and grow that brand, when used appropriately. Establishing guidelines can be a great way for companies to keep their employees from wasting entire days tweeting and liking, without stifling them and limiting what they can do for a company’s social media marketing efforts.

Employees Come with Their Own Community

Every like and interaction a company social media outlet receives can be both valuable and difficult. But instead, imagine having access to a community that already has a vested interest in one’s company through social media. The friends, family and co-workers of employees already have a tie to one’s company because of the employment status of their loved one on the payroll. Consequently, taking advantage of employees as a way to engage and share company information, news and items that may be exciting to their loved ones can be extremely beneficial.

Make Employees Feel a Part of the Team

In addition to tapping into entire communities that are already established by employees through their social media outlets, makes employees feel as though they are a part of a team where their interactions are important and cherished. As a result, they may enjoy interacting and sharing more, giving one’s business more eyes on their tweets, shares, photos and multimedia shared.

Sharing Company Culture

Using employees to highlight the culture of a brand can not only help those employees get involved and make them more likely to enjoy and interact with posts, it also shows consumers who a company is at its core. Sharing pictures, videos and blog posts regarding appropriate social events, community involvement and charity aid shows consumers and potential consumers another side of a company tat feels more human. Additionally, highlighting company culture shows employees that leaders truly care about what they do outside of their company in addition to every day operations.

Preventing Over Sharing

Establishing clear rules about social media involvement by employees, what is expected and what is not ok for them to post can help prevent future issues from arising and putting a damper branding efforts. Showing employees what items are appropriate for sharing while making it extremely clear which internal information is confidential can help dispel any confusion that could provoke over sharing while preventing them from feeling comfortable joining one’s social media marketing efforts and the grand scheme of company branding. How employees respond to clients or potential consumers can be an important way for a company to show who they are and how important consumers are to them. By offering training on various scenarios and situations that could potentially arise leaders can insure that employees do not actually hurt their branding efforts.


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