Digital Insights

How to Attract Customers to Your Social Media Communities


Published: March 26, 2013

When it comes to finding success in the business world, it is necessary to think about social media websites and their influence on society. People use such websites on a daily basis, and a business may gain a following and a new outlet for profits.

  • Develop a Contest

  • It is a good idea to create a contest in order to lure potential customers to a social media website. Some businesses choose to offer a product discount if a customer follows the social media account. Other businesses encourage customers to mention the business by name in a profile post; this move automatically enters the customer in a contest. It does not take a lot of time or money to create such an event. A business with a small budget may invest in less lavish prizes that may instill excitement in people and bring awareness to the social media profile of the business.

  • Link to Social Media Websites

  • It may not be possible for a business to introduce a contest. If this is the case, the people in charge may wish to link to social media websites on the official website of the business. Certain customers may carry little knowledge about social media websites and how they work. These customers may prefer to visit the official website of the business and conduct communication there. If a business wishes to lure these individuals to the social media websites, the people in charge should make it easy to find any and all links. The customer may click on a link and avoid confusion.

  • Provide Interesting Content

  • A business that wishes to gain popularity on social websites should create useful and entertaining content. The business may wish to think about the targeted demographic and work on something appropriate. For example, if a business wishes to target parents and their children, it is not a good idea to provide articles that may suit a law firm. By the same token, a person seeking legal advice may not care about the best family vacation destinations. It may take a long time to create content that works, but it is worth it in the long run.

The business world has a lot to offer; however, it can be difficult for a particular company to stand out from the crowd. A business must be willing to work with the latest technology, and social media websites play a prominent role. Not all businesses find an audience with social media websites. It may be necessary to lure current customers to any and all profiles. The information above may help business owners make smart decisions and move towards a successful future. Social media websites are indispensable for businesses of any shape and size.

  1. Great Blog Gary, or should I say White Paper……
    Good solid information that you are sharing!
    Thank you for your Kingdom focus and insight as well…..
    Ralph R. Dickinson
    National Marketing Director
    The Term Team


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