Digital Insights

2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony – A Coming Out Party for Social Media


Published: August 6, 2012

The scene: Friday night, July 27th to be exact, sitting on the edge of our seats on our living room couch waiting in anticipation for the Opening Ceremonies of the 30th Olympiad to unfold before our eyes. We think back to the massive scale on which the 2008 Beijing Olympics were set. Can London match its predecessor, one up them even? It is the question in the back of many minds.

We at DigitalEYE Media were right there with you, wondering what London had in store for us. We sat attentively through director Danny Boyle’s short films, scenes of the Industrial Revolution and reminisced as some of our most memorable childhood characters (e.g. Mary Poppins) came to life.  All in all, it was an interesting show that kept us watching. It was not, however, until the social media section of the program came on that our eyes lit up and refused to blink for fear that we would miss a beat.

As professional social media strategists, we often forget the reason why social media platforms were created: to connect with others. This was exemplified in Danny Boyle’s “digital love story.” In this section, a young girl named June is seen getting ready for a night out on the town with her friends. Before they leave the house, they log onto their social media profiles, updating June’s relationship status. And so the information sharing begins. During June’s night out with her pals she loses her phone, which is found by her suitor and returned using a bevy of social media channels. Here we are shown social media at its most basic and how much of a commanding force it is.

The take away? Social media is a force to be reckoned with and now the entire world knows it.


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