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10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Conversion

Your competitors are the crucial answer to your online SEO strategies. In business, as long as free enterprise reigned, new businesses are formed based on the ideas of existing companies. The hidden tool here is some light "corporate espionage." But not in the traditional sense. What we mean is to...Read More >>

How to Use Analytics to Make Sense of Your Audience Data

If your company has a website that was designed using a reputable design tool or by a professional web-design firm, the chances are you have access to a nice selection of analytical data. If not, there could be a variety of software packages that can be integrated with your website for the purpose...Read More >>

Part II: Social Intelligence—Gathering Social Media Data

Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter are the hottest social media companies on today’s Web – and the data shared and searched on these social networks is highly valuable to organizations. But accumulating social media data presents challenges for marketers unprepared for the difficulties...Read More >>